Recently many prominent—and self-appointed—spokesmen for science have argued that modern science has demonstrated that belief in God is no longer credible. A spate of bestselling books, led by Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, have popularized this idea. Dawkins and other New Atheists argue that science shows the existence of God to be a delusion, “a failed hypothesis” as one book suggests. Why? Because, according to them, there is no evidence for intelligent design. Instead, in their view, Charles Darwin explained away all evidences of design. Indeed, the modern version of Darwin’s theory, Neo-Darwinism, asserts that the wholly undirected processes of natural selection and random mutations are fully capable of producing the intricate structures in living systems. As Dawkins asserts, natural selection can mimic the powers of a designing intelligence without itself being guided or directed by an intelligent agent of any kind. Thus, living organisms may look designed, but in his view, t...
Charles Darwin thought that the universal human tendency to think in terms of moral rightness and wrongness, and our wide agreement on the immorality of acts like rape or genocide, could be explained by the evolution of the human species. Given the circumstances of survival and reproduction, he theorized, some behaviors are more adaptive than others; thus, any instinct that prompts adaptive behaviors is favored by natural selection. The flight instinct removes prey from the clutches of predators, increasing the chances that the pursued creature will live to reproduce. Social animals such as bees, wolves, and people come equipped with sets of social instincts that prompt cooperation with the hive, pack, or tribe. The success of the more cooperative group, whether it is competing with other tribes, hunting, or gathering, tends to promote the survival and reproduction of its individual members. To the extent that such cooperative and adaptive behavior is genetically fostered, he believed,...